Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Week 2: Remote Learning Lessons


Week of March 30 - Activity 1
(2 mins)
Arm Circles - While standing, reach both arms
out and rotate in small to medium circles.
Repeat by rotating arms backwards. 10
seconds at a time. Pause to rest, then repeat
for a total of 6 times.
High knees - While standing, pull one knee
up in the air, even with your waist, jump and
switch knees, repeatedly. Complete 20 high
knees, then rest 10 seconds. Repeat 2 times.

(3 mins)
Bicep stretch - Stand facing a wall and stretch
one arm out, palm flat against the wall. Turn
head and torso away from the arm on the wall
for 10 seconds. Switch arms and repeat for a
total of 3 times each side.
Triceps - While standing, stretch one arm up
in the air and bend your arm behind your head.
Use the other hand to pull down on your
elbow for 10 seconds. Switch arms and repeat
for a total of 3 times each side.
Hamstrings - while standing with feet close
together, bend over and reach for your toes.
Keep your knees straight. Count to 20, rest 10
seconds and stretch again for 20 more seconds.
(8 mins)
Part 1: Find a sidewalk that has lines close
enough so that you can jump from one to
another. For 20 repetitions, broad jump (leap)
off of two feet from one line and land on two
feet past the next line. Rest 30 seconds and
then repeat 3 more times.
Part 2: Stand next to the line on two feet.
Jump lateral (sideways) for 20 repetitions.
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 3 more times. To
make it more challenging, land in a squat.

(3 min)
Strength - Push-ups.
Can you beat your score from last week?
Make that your goal this week as you take
three minutes and complete as many push-ups
as you can. Rest as needed but remember
you’re trying to beat your goal! Patience and
perseverance is key. Make it easier if needed
by completing push-ups from your knees.

Week of March 30 - Activity 2

(2 mins)
Jumping Jacks - Standing straight with arms by
your sides, jump out with your legs and throw
your arms up above your head, jump to return to
standing. Complete 20 jumping jacks. Rest 10
seconds, then repeat 3 more times.

(3 mins)
Hamstrings - while standing with feet close
together, bend over and reach for your toes.
Keep your knees straight. Count to 20, rest
10 seconds and stretch again for 20 more
Quadriceps - while standing with feet close
together, bend a leg at the knee behind you
and grab your ankle. Reach the opposite arm
out to touch a wall or other tall object to support
your balance.  Hold for a count to 20, rest
10 seconds and switch to the other side.
Complete two times for each leg.
(4-5 mins)
Lunges - From a standing position with
your feet together, take a large step forward
so that your opposite knee comes close to
touching the ground. Push off your front foot
to come backwards and return to a standing
position. Switch legs and continue this
alternating lunch for 20 total repetitions.
Rest for 30 seconds and complete 3-4 more sets.
(5 min)
Underhand throw - Bocce Style
Use two different size balls to test your accuracy
and range for underhand throws. This can be
done in a backyard, a park or a nearby grassy
area. First, toss the smaller ball a medium to
long distance away. Second, toss the larger ball
with the intention of getting it to stop as close to
the first ball as possible. To make this more
difficult, mix in repetitions with your
non-dominant hand. Don’t forget to take a step
with your opposite foot! See image --->

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Week 1: Remote Learning Lessons

PE @ Home: Week 1

Week 1 Activity 1:

Warmup Stretch
Biceps - Stand with your face against a wall, stretch one arm out straight, twist head and torso away from outstretched arm for 10 seconds, switch arms and repeat

Triceps - Standing up, stretch one arm up in the air, bend arm behind your head, use other hand to pull down on elbow for 10 seconds, switch arms and repeat

Push Up Competition
Complete as many pushups as you can do in 3 minutes. Record your total below:

Total: ____________
Cooldown Stretch

Shoulders - Standing straight, reach arm across your body, use other hand to push arm into your body for 10 seconds, switch arms and repeat

Arm Circles - Standing straight, reach both arms out and rotate in small circles and gradually larger circles for 10 seconds
Week 1 Activity 2:
Cardio Exercise
Jumping Jacks - Standing straight with arms by your sides, jump out with your legs and throw your arms up above your head, jump to return to standing. Complete 25 jumping jacks.
High Knees - Standing straight, pull one knee up in the air, even with your waist, jump and switch knees and repeat. Complete 20 high knees.

Mountain Climbers - Get into a push-up position with hands and feet on the ground (straight back), jump and bring one leg up toward your ear, quickly jump and switch legs bringing your other leg up. Alternate back and forth for 20 seconds.

Game: Jacks Challenge
Basic game of Jacks. Find 5 - 10 small items that can fit in one hand (small legos, paper balls, erasers) and find one bouncing ball (tennis ball, bouncy ball). Spread out small items on the floor. Bounce the ball up against the floor up into the air. Quickly collect as many of the items as you can before the ball bounces again. Play for the remaining time. For an extra challenge: try catching the ball with your other hand before it bounces again.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Unit 10: Athletic Field Day Prep


      For the next few weeks leading up to Athletic Field Day at Archway Lincoln on March 6, all K-2 PE classes will be preparing for all ten of the Olympic events we'll be playing. We will be stretching vital body parts in preparation for the events. Scholars will be learning the rules and strategy of each event, including how events will be scored for AFD and how to show good sportsmanship to compete for the sportsmanship award. If you would like to signup to volunteer with AFD, sign up here (https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/3177465/false#/invitation). Here are the events we'll be covering:

  • Long Jump
  • Tug of War
  • Soccer Shooting
  • Relay Race
  • Ring Passing
  • Discus
  • Dodgeball
  • Capture the Flag
  • Scooter Races
  • Basketball Shooting
Please note there will be no hot lunch served on March 6th! Lunches will be eaten in classrooms.

Have a wonderful week!

Mr. Edmondson

Friday, January 24, 2020

Unit 9: Baseball/Kickball


For the next three weeks, scholars will be exploring either baseball or kickball. Kinders and First Graders will focus on kickball while Second Graders will learn baseball. We'll cover base running, fielding, throwing, and hitting/kicking. This culminates in class-size games of kickball or baseball. Scholars will also learn a fun variant called Wacky Baseball/Kickball.

In fitness, scholars will learn crab walks and no weight flies. The anatomical focus of these three weeks is the shoulder. We will also have a brief discussion on jumping and landing and the importance of doing both correctly to protect the ligaments and tendons in the knee.

Have a wonderful week!

Mr. Edmondson
Image result for baseball kids

Monday, January 6, 2020

Unit 8: Football


Welcome back from holiday break! I had a great break with family back in Nashville. I'm excited to get the third quarter started strong.

For the next three weeks, we will be exploring the popular sport of American football. Scholars will learn how to play certain football positions and how a football game is played before diving into fun flag football games out on the field. We will be focusing on the basic skills of throwing and catching a football. Sportsmanship is also a big focus of this unit. Scholars will be warming up with burpees and squats as well as learning about concussions and the importance of head protection in sports.

Have a wonderful week!

Mr. Edmondson
Image result for flag football clipart